Date: 5/4/24 4:57 pm
From: Vic Fondy via <treasurecreek...>
Subject: [sd-birds] Birding West and WW
We took advantage of the good weather and birded today from Whitewood to
east/north of Spearfish then Redwater Road to Coxes Lake and McNenny
Hatchery area and back to WW. Sightings of interest included Sandhill
Cranes near Coxes, an Osprey on the Coxes Lake nest, Solitary Sandpiper
at a Spearfish fish hatchery pond, and FOS Rock Wren and Brown
Thrasher.  Bird of the day was  a Palm Warbler on Spearfish airport
road. Raptors seen were Coopers Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, and numerous
American Kestrels.

New arrivals since our last report at our feeders 1.5 miles south of
Whitewood include Yellow-rumped and Orange-crowned Warbler, Tree
Swallows, and Brown Thrasher. Evening Grosbeaks are still around and we
are experiencing lots (30+) of Common Grackles that we hope will move on.

Vic/Donna Fondy 605.269.2553

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