Date: 5/4/24 1:28 pm
From: Joshua Spence <joshuastephenspence...>
Subject: [GABO-L] Catoosa County Bird Records
I haven't had a chance to post recently, but I wanted to make one about a few sightings at the Sim's Sod Farm in Catoosa County over the last few months. All these were reported on eBird and were listed on the RBA. This sod farm has been productive over the last several years. I've made several trips up this year and these four species were good sightings for Catoosa:

American Golden Plover - 3/18/24 - 2nd county record, 1st spring record

Upland Sandpiper - 2 birds, 4/15/24, 1st county record

Lapland Longspur - discovered on 3/17/24 by Team DuBois/Burgess/Lenz, I was able to relocate it on 3/18, which may be a statewide late date for this species.

Brewers Blackbird - 4/2/24 - 2nd county record

Take care,

Joshua Spence,
Murray County

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