Date: 5/2/24 12:32 pm
From: Thomas Miko <thomas_miko...>
Subject: Los Angeles birder visiting Las Vegas next week

1. Have discussions of birds in Nevada moved over to some other format like WhatsApp? If so, how can I sign up or get invited?
2. I'll be working in Las Vegas next week from Monday morning to Friday afternoon (Then driving home either Friday night or Saturday morning). I am driving up this weekend OK Sunday. I know where to go look for birds would like to check in to see if there are any birders who know anything about reptiles and scorpions even though supposedly we have scorpions in the desert in California, I have never seen one, and it sounds like velocity area Would be a good spot to look for them. Reptiles we can discuss off-line.

Tom Miko
Claremont, California
909.241.3300 cell

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