Date: 5/1/24 10:47 am
From: Bryan Reynolds <nature_photo_man...>
Subject: Re: Lexington Public Hunting Area
Thanks, Dick. I'm in that area many times per month. The more time I spend there, the more success I'll have.

FYI, I just had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak on my suet and I've got several Swainson's Thrushes around the house. These guys are singing in their swirly sounding call sounding like they're doing it through a paper towel roll.


Bryan E. Reynolds
My nature and wildlife photography portfolio<;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!40zd3e9khgJaPLQXdm-gJyvdUEto1i54jbcdlOSFqQXWcR715bxWZDPidxBjXmVlWgpyupzvTwDvH2bu9sA1qs6AlJw4b70$ [flickr[.]com]>
From: okbirds <OKBIRDS...> on behalf of Richrd Gunn <richardgunn1940...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [OKBIRDS] Lexington Public Hunting Area

funny I was seeing all kinds of butterflies and thinking of when we met up down there. Most of them were by ear. I am aging out of readly finding birds in dense foliage. I was walking the same southernmost road where I ran into you. probably about a mile and a half back and forth across the metal bridge. I try to avoid Merlin till I get stumped but running it would put you within earshot and potential photo distance.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 1:15 PM Bryan Reynolds <nature_photo_man...><mailto:<nature_photo_man...>> wrote:

Most of those would be lifers (or at least photo-lifers), and I'd sure like to tag along someday to learn more about them. As you know, I live very close to Lex and spend a lot of time there.

Take care,

Bryan E. Reynolds
My nature and wildlife photography portfolio<;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!55qYvZPMedBwMpYOIulRsIuh01ElfHSTn57vB1B99c0_DysIbSz3Dt8btRbs2XJBPY8xDYpkgG_mIx0h_09oRVmvCVl368E$>
From: okbirds <OKBIRDS...><mailto:<OKBIRDS...>> on behalf of Richrd Gunn <richardgunn1940...><mailto:<richardgunn1940...>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 11:41 AM
To: <OKBIRDS...><mailto:<OKBIRDS...> <OKBIRDS...><mailto:<OKBIRDS...>>
Subject: [OKBIRDS] Lexington Public Hunting Area

I made my annual visit to Lex to bolster my paltry numbers for the CCAS annual spring county which fortunately includes McClain county. FOYs for me were:
broad winged hawk, field sparrow, Eastern Wood Pewee, pine siskin,kentucky warbler (at least half a dozen always in the same place), black and white warbler, least flycatcher, clay colored sparrow and cattle egret. Also one which I heard and could not figure out. Merlin's opinion was an Acadian flycatcher. In truth it sounded exactly what Sibley gives out but the book doesn't allow for it to bleed over into Cleveland county Consider the source.
Also, summer tanagers,painteds and indigos, blue grosbeak gnatcatcher,white eyed and red eyed vireos, parulas, wood ducks and dickcissel,
These were all except the cattle egret along the farthest road back to the south bordering on the prison.

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