Date: 4/29/24 9:30 pm
From: Lance Benner via <lbenner...>
Subject: [LACoBirds] America's Birdiest County: Preliminary total = 274 species
Hi Everyone, Since the last update we have added and subtracted some
species with the net result that our total is still 274. Some rarities
did not have sufficient documentation to accept but some other species
have been reported. There are still species under review so the total
could still change. In about a week I'll circulate a detailed email
that summarizes everything, but in the meantime, here's the list of
everything we found:

* Snow Goose

* Ross's Goose

* Greater White-fronted Goose

* Brant

* Cackling Goose

* Canada Goose

* Wood Duck

* Blue-winged Teal

* Cinnamon Teal

* Northern Shoveler

* Gadwall

* American Wigeon

* Mallard

* Northern Pintail

* Green-winged Teal

* Redhead

* Ring-necked Duck

* Lesser Scaup

* Surf Scoter

* Long-tailed Duck

* Bufflehead

* Common Goldeneye

* Red-breasted Merganser

* Ruddy Duck

* Mountain Quail

* California Quail

* Gambel's Quail

* Chukar

* Pied-billed Grebe

* Eared Grebe

* Western Grebe

* Clark's Grebe

* Rock Pigeon

* Band-tailed Pigeon

* Eurasian Collared-Dove

* Spotted Dove

* Inca Dove

* Mourning Dove

* Greater Roadrunner

* Lesser Nighthawk

* Common Poorwill

* Black Swift NEW

* Vaux's Swift

* White-throated Swift

* Black-chinned Hummingbird

* Anna's Hummingbird

* Costa's Hummingbird

* Rufous Hummingbird

* Allen's Hummingbird

* Calliope Hummingbird

* Virginia Rail

* Sora

* Common Gallinule

* American Coot

* Black-necked Stilt

* American Avocet

* Black Oystercatcher

* Black-bellied Plover

* Snowy Plover

* Semipalmated Plover

* Killdeer

* Whimbrel

* Long-billed Curlew

* Marbled Godwit

* Ruddy Turnstone

* Black Turnstone

* Surfbird

* Sanderling

* Dunlin

* Least Sandpiper

* Western Sandpiper

* Short-billed Dowitcher

* Long-billed Dowitcher

* Wilson's Snipe

* Wilson's Phalarope

* Red-necked Phalarope

* Spotted Sandpiper

* Solitary Sandpiper

* Wandering Tattler

* Greater Yellowlegs

* Willet

* Lesser Yellowlegs

* Parasitic Jaeger

* Common Murre

* Bonaparte's Gull

* Heermann's Gull

* Ring-billed Gull

* Yellow-footed Gull NEW

* Western Gull

* California Gull

* Herring Gull

* Glaucous-winged Gull

* Least Tern

* Caspian Tern

* Forster's Tern

* Royal Tern

* Elegant Tern

* Black Skimmer

* Red-throated Loon

* Pacific Loon

* Common Loon

* Sooty Shearwater

* Black-vented Shearwater

* Brandt's Cormorant

* Pelagic Cormorant

* Neotropic Cormorant

* Double-crested Cormorant

* Brown Pelican

* Least Bittern

* Great Blue Heron

* Great Egret

* Snowy Egret

* Western Cattle Egret

* Green Heron

* Black-crowned Night-Heron

* Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

* White-faced Ibis

* Turkey Vulture

* California Condor

* Osprey

* Golden Eagle

* Northern Harrier

* Sharp-shinned Hawk

* Cooper's Hawk

* Bald Eagle

* Red-shouldered Hawk

* Swainson's Hawk

* Red-tailed Hawk

* Barn Owl

* Western Screech-Owl

* Great Horned Owl

* Northern Pygmy-Owl

* Northern Saw-whet Owl

* Belted Kingfisher

* Williamson's Sapsucker

* Red-breasted Sapsucker

* Lewis's Woodpecker

* Acorn Woodpecker

* Downy Woodpecker

* Nuttall's Woodpecker

* Ladder-backed Woodpecker

* Hairy Woodpecker

* White-headed Woodpecker

* Northern Flicker

* American Kestrel

* Merlin

* Peregrine Falcon

* Prairie Falcon

* Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

* Red-Crowned Parrot

* Lilac-Crowned Parrot

* Nanday Parakeet

* Mitred Parakeet

* Red-masked Parakeet

* Olive-sided Flycatcher

* Western Wood-Pewee

* Hammond's Flycatcher

* Gray Flycatcher

* Dusky Flycatcher

* Western Flycatcher

* Black Phoebe

* Say's Phoebe

* Vermilion Flycatcher

* Dusky-capped Flycatcher

* Ash-throated Flycatcher

* Cassin's Kingbird

* Western Kingbird

* Bell's Vireo

* Hutton's Vireo

* Cassin's Vireo

* Plumbeous Vireo

* Warbling Vireo

* Loggerhead Shrike

* Steller's Jay

* California Scrub-Jay

* Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay NEW

* Clark's Nutcracker

* American Crow

* Common Raven

* Mountain Chickadee

* Oak Titmouse

* Verdin

* Horned Lark

* Northern Rough-winged Swallow

* Tree Swallow

* Violet-green Swallow

* Bank Swallow

* Barn Swallow

* Cliff Swallow

* Red-Whiskered Bulbul

* Bushtit

* Wrentit

* Ruby-crowned Kinglet

* Red-breasted Nuthatch

* White-breasted Nuthatch

* Pygmy Nuthatch

* Brown Creeper

* Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

* California Gnatcatcher

* Rock Wren

* Canyon Wren

* House Wren

* Marsh Wren

* Bewick's Wren

* Cactus Wren

* American Dipper

* European Starling

* California Thrasher

* LeConte's Thrasher

* Northern Mockingbird

* Western Bluebird

* Townsend's Solitaire

* Swainson's Thrush

* Hermit Thrush

* American Robin

* Cedar Waxwing

* Phainopepla

* House Sparrow

* Scaly-breasted Munia

* American Pipit

* House Finch

* Purple Finch

* Cassin's Finch

* Red Crossbill

* Pine Siskin

* Lesser Goldfinch

* Lawrence's Goldfinch

* American Goldfinch

* Chipping Sparrow

* Black-chinned Sparrow

* Brewer's Sparrow

* Black-throated Sparrow

* Lark Sparrow

* Fox Sparrow

* Dark-eyed Junco

* White-crowned Sparrow

* Golden-crowned Sparrow

* White-throated Sparrow

* Bell's Sparrow

* Savannah Sparrow

* Song Sparrow

* Lincoln's Sparrow

* California Towhee

* Rufous-crowned Sparrow

* Green-tailed Towhee

* Spotted Towhee

* Yellow-breasted Chat

* Yellow-headed Blackbird

* Western Meadowlark

* Hooded Oriole

* Bullock's Oriole

* Scott's Oriole

* Red-winged Blackbird

* Tricolored Blackbird

* Brown-headed Cowbird

* Brewer's Blackbird

* Great-tailed Grackle

* Orange-crowned Warbler

* Nashville Warbler

* MacGillivray's Warbler

* Common Yellowthroat

* Blackburnian Warbler NEW

* Yellow Warbler

* Palm Warbler

* Yellow-rumped Warbler

* Black-throated Gray Warbler

* Townsend's Warbler

* Hermit Warbler

* Wilson's Warbler

* Western Tanager

* Black-headed Grosbeak

* Blue Grosbeak

* Lazuli Bunting

* Painted Bunting NEW

I'll post another email shortly with the list of MISSING species.
Thank you again to everyone who went birding, posted messages on the
listserve, contacted me privately, and posted observations into eBird.
Regards, Lance Lance BennerAltadena _._,_._,_

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