Date: 4/29/24 7:37 am
From: Michael Zarky via <mzarky...>
Subject: [venturacobirding] Field trips?
Hi Sammy,

How was your field trip to Bear Divide?
And aside from your cool lucky sighting of the
kite, how was the action in the Santa Rosa
valley? It's close enough I might meet a friend
there if I could ever get out from under the weed situation here?

Did you know about the plan to shoot Barred Owls
in NW forests to save Spotteds?

At 01:36 PM 4/27/2024, you wrote:
>Hey Tom!
>It hasn’t been seen since we had it flyover
>during our field trip this morning. We were
>roughly here (34.2443478, -118.8948567) It was
>heading west along the Santa Rosa Valley.
>Didn’t seem like it was sticking around, but
>you never know. I went back briefly to look
>around the area, but I didn’t see it. I know
>they are still others out looking, so hopefully it pops up again!
>Sammy Cowell
>Simi Valley

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