Date: 4/28/24 7:38 pm
From: Erika Wilson <terika88...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] [EXT]SEAZ: Sierra Vista EOP--28 Apr 2024
External Email

Hi, birders,

Six folks from AZ, WA, and WI walked the Sierra Vista EOP dikes this
morning, noting 75 species. The most obvious sign of the changing seasons
was a steep decline in ducks--in both numbers of individuals and species.
Instead of a dozen or more species, there were six species with counts of
12 birds or less for each.

It was, however, a good day for shorebirds, with a single Black-necked
Stilt, eight Killdeer (including three downy young teetering on their long
pink legs),
eight Spotted Sandpipers bobbing along, and a single Greater Yellowlegs.

We were delighted to have a Peregrine Falcon make several passes during the
morning. A Yellow-breasted Chat was spotted--the first of the season at the
EOP, although this species had arrived down along the San Pedro River a
fortnight ago. Several large groups of Lark Sparrows were about, with 50+
in one flock at Moson Road. These birds were moving back and forth between
weedy grasses in a dry impoundment and the Arizona cypress windbreak, all
the while keeping up a melodious chorus of calls, twitters, and songs.

Bird walks behind the locked gates of the Sierra Vista EOP occur every
Sunday morning. For the spring months (March-May) walks start promptly at *7:00
a.m.* Arrive early at the EOP Bird Viewing Platform to sign in with the
guide--group size is limited to fifteen. Late arrivals will not have access
behind the locked gates. Scopes are useful. Bring a hat and water--there is
no shade nor any amenities on the walk route. There is a chem toilet in the
parking area.

The EOP is located just east (~ 3 miles) of Sierra Vista on AZ Hwy 90. Look
for the Brua Animal Care Center and the Wildlife Viewing signs on the north
side of Hwy 90. Turn left (north) and proceed to the bird viewing platform.
Note that Google Maps may direct you to the wrong entrance.

Cheers, Erika Wilson
Erika Wilson, Sierra Vista, AZ
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