Date: 4/28/24 7:10 pm
From: Jean L <jaleonatti...>
Subject: Eagle Bluffs CA afternoon into evening
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A fun and birdy time was had as many mid-Missouri birders spontaneously converged on Eagle Bluffs CA this afternoon. Usual migrants were present and shorebird numbers were greatly increased (more dropping in as evening approached).

Birders were spread throughout the area and most reports were from Pools 14, 10, 5 and the distribution channel downstream from the pumphouse.

Highlights included:
Glossy Ibis (confirmed, with photos - flew high and north, may no longer be present)
Snowy Egrets
LB and SB dowitchers
Gr and LE yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalaropes
Stilt, pectoral, white-rumped, semi-palmated, and least sandpipers
Sandhill Crane
Forster's Terns
Peregrine Falcon

I didn't hear all reports, not a comprehensive list - just a sampling of a great day.

It has now been raining steadily since 6p, not going to stop any time soon. This might push birds into new areas and affect walk-in access to pool 14 tomorrow.

Jean Leonatti
Boone county

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