Date: 4/24/24 8:04 pm
From: <arbour...> <arbour...>
Subject: Red Slough Bird Survey - April 24

It was overcast, mild, and calm turning partly cloudy, warm, and a little windy on the survey today. 87 species were found. Not many migrant Passerines around and there wasn't much singing either. A few FOS have come back. Best highlight of the day was re-finding the Tricolored Heron that was originally found a couple weeks ago. Least Bitterns are back and calling also. Here is my list for today:

Black-bellied Whistling Duck - 16

Canada Geese – 2

Wood Duck - 8

Blue-winged Teal - 45

Northern Shoveler - 11

Ring-necked Duck - 1

Hooded Merganser - 5

Pied-billed Grebe – 10

Neotropic Cormorant - 19 (6 active nests)

Double-crested Cormorant - 12

Anhinga - 119 (Many sitting on nests.)

Least Bittern - 2

Great-blue Heron - 2

Great Egret - 22

Snowy Egret - 47

Little-blue Heron - 109

Tricolored Heron - 1

Cattle Egret - 2500

Green Heron - 8

Black-crowned Night-Heron - 2

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - 2

White Ibis - 135

Black Vulture - 23

Turkey Vulture – 15

Red-shouldered Hawk - 3

King Rail - 1

Sora - 2

Purple Gallinule - 35

Common Gallinule - 65

American Coot – 139

Killdeer - 1

Solitary Sandpiper - 1

Lesser Yellowlegs - 34

Small "peep" species - 6 (flyovers)

Mourning Dove - 6

Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1

Chuck-wills-widow - 2

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 2

Belted Kingfisher - 1

Red-headed Woodpecker - 1

Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2

Downy Woodpecker - 1

Hairy Woodpecker - 2

Pileated Woodpecker - 1

Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1

Acadian Flycatcher - 1

Eastern Phoebe – 1

Great-crested Flycatcher - 1

Eastern Kingbird - 2

White-eyed Vireo - 8

Yellow-throated Vireo - 1

Red-eyed Vireo - 6

Blue Jay - 1

American Crow – 5

Fish Crow - 3

Purple Martin - 8

Tree Swallow - 23

Cliff Swallow - 8

Barn Swallow - 2

Carolina Chickadee – 3

Tufted Titmouse - 5

Carolina Wren – 5

Sedge Wren - 2

Marsh Wren - 3

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 3

Eastern Bluebird - 2

Gray Catbird - 1

Northern Mockingbird - 2

Cedar Waxwing - 5

Northern Parula - 1

Yellow-throated Warbler - 2

Prairie Warbler - 2

Prothonotary Warbler - 8

Common Yellowthroat - 12

Hooded Warbler - 1

Yellow-breasted Chat - 2

Summer Tanager - 3

Savannah Sparrow - 1

Lincoln's Sparrow - 2

White-throated Sparrow – 4

Northern Cardinal – 6

Indigo Bunting - 4

Painted Bunting - 2

Red-winged Blackbird – 2,325

Common Grackle - 45

Brown-headed Cowbird - 5

Orchard Oriole - 1


Common Green Darner

Stillwater Clubtail

Eastern Pondhawk

Common Whitetail


American Alligator

Red-eared Slider

Plain-bellied Watersnake

Western Ratsnake

Green Treefrog

Eastern Gray Treefrog

Blanchard's Cricket Frog


Good birding!

David Arbour

De Queen, AR

Check out the Red Slough Photo Gallery: [;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7HSyM2K8J01HrcoIpJQDxct853y4FYGaKsaGJkdtThwlNdFmuLrjCMPYQDKkQbcb_N59gq7sKESVQeHZ2O_3tg$ [pbase[.]com] |;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7HSyM2K8J01HrcoIpJQDxct853y4FYGaKsaGJkdtThwlNdFmuLrjCMPYQDKkQbcb_N59gq7sKESVQeHZ2O_3tg$ [pbase[.]com] ]

Birders Guide to the Red Slough WMA: [;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7HSyM2K8J01HrcoIpJQDxct853y4FYGaKsaGJkdtThwlNdFmuLrjCMPYQDKkQbcb_N59gq7sKESVQeFXgoPelA$ [fs[.]usda[.]gov] |;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7HSyM2K8J01HrcoIpJQDxct853y4FYGaKsaGJkdtThwlNdFmuLrjCMPYQDKkQbcb_N59gq7sKESVQeFXgoPelA$ [fs[.]usda[.]gov] ]

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