Date: 4/24/24 6:35 pm
From: John Williams <john...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] [EXT]Zero Shovelers at Arthur Pack
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Even at the end of spring there are usually a couple Northern Shovelers at Arthur Pack Regional Park in NW Tucson. Today was a zero. I can’t remember the last time that happened.
Today was limited to Cinnamon Teal, Mallard and Ruddy Ducks. There may have been a pair of Mexican Ducks, but I couldn’t get close enough to tell for sure.

Another interesting bit: Pale-lored White-crowned Sparrows seem to be gone. The past two days all were the dark-lored variety. A couple sang a slightly different song from the winter residents, with a distinctly lower second note before finishing on the typical higher trill.

A single adult Barn Swallow broke my recent string of only Northern Rough-wings.
No longer any shortage of White-winged Doves…. Their influx has coincided with beginning saguaro blossoming.

At home, a kettle of five Harris’s Hawks briefly was over the yard.

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