Date: 4/24/24 11:19 am
From: Steven Brown <sbrown37...>
Subject: [cobirds] Clear Spring Ranch, El Paso Co., Wed
Hey COBirders,

On a beautiful spring morning at CSR (cool, clear and CALM!), migrants are starting to arrive!
First thing, I banded an FOS House Wren adult - could be arriving to breed, or passing through, then about 9:00
a flock of Audubon’s Yellow-rumped Warblers passed through, working the catkins high in the cottonwoods (alas - uncatchable).
I also banded a dozen sparrows (Song, Lincoln’s, one Mountain White-crown, and lotsa Gambel’s White-crowns). Three recaps from 2022 and 2023, and the wintering white-crowns are about 95% done with molting from juvenile brown to their adult white-colored crowns. They will be leaving soon.

It is just starting to green-up at CSR, - on cottonwoods and golden currant, but hardly any green in the ash trees or coyote willows yet.

Happy Migration,
Steve Brown
Colo Spgs

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