Date: 4/21/24 5:00 pm
From: Bruni <bruni...>
Subject: Three firsts
Late afternoon the first male Ruby-throated hummingbird showed up at the feeder.  It came to nectar three different time.  

While fixing my salad at 7:00 p.m., my jaw dropped when a gorgeous red-headed woodpecker landed on the tray outside the kitchen  window.  Fortunately, there was a peanut suet cake as well as sunflower chips on the tray.  I'm hoping this is one of the ones that nested in the area last year.

As if that wasn't enough, twenty minutes later a male Red-breasted grosbeak was in the ground feeder sitting on the patio.  This is my lucky day for sure.

Bruni Haydl
Charles Town, WV

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