Date: 4/20/24 2:40 pm
From: Andrew McGrath via <amcgrathpaleo...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] Baron Ranch Birds & Changes
Hello all,

I hiked the Baron Ranch up to where the trail splits. Wildflowers were
running rampant, but bird activity was a mixed bag. Orioles (hooded and
Bullock's), hummingbirds (Costa's, black-chinned, and Anna's), wrens (house
and Bewick's), and western flycatchers were abundant. However, the lack of
warblers and vireos was surprising. 5-6 warbling vireos and a single
Hutton's vireo were my only representatives of that family. Among warblers,
I only had 3 yellow, 2 yellowthroat, and 1 Wilson's. Other notable
observations were a small group of Vaux's swifts, an ash-throated
flycatcher, and a pair of copulating Nuttall's woodpeckers.

In other news, it seems that the trail at Baron Ranch (officially Arroyo
Quemado Trail) is changing routes. This seemingly happened while I was
hiking as my route back was blocked after heading in this morning! The new
route branches off immediately after the first creek crossing and parallels
the old route further west (i.e., upslope) before rejoining the existing
route at the second creek crossing (first bridge-less crossing). This means
that the excellent riparian habitat will be much less accessible, which is
super disappointing to me as these areas are often (including today) the
most birdy. There are maps depicting the new route at the trailhead.


Andy McGrath

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