Date: 4/19/24 9:37 am
From: Allen Batt via Mnbird <mnbird...>
Subject: [Mnbird] Juncos gone?
It was a cool and damp morning. Some might have called it cold and wet. The yard that was covered with juncos and sticks yesterday was now covered only by the sticks shed by the yard’s trees. I gathered those sticks while listening to robin, cardinal, redwing, dove and rooster pheasant voices. A Vesper Sparrow sang “Oh-oh-my-my, its-such-a-beautiful day.” from an elevated perch. My farming father loved to hear that. The vesper sparrow sings at any time of the day but gets its name from its evening hymns (vespers), “Listen to my evening sing-ing-ing-ing.” White-throated Sparrows whistled as I watched an Eastern Phoebe pursue flying insects I couldn’t discern. It was far from 50 degrees. Maybe some insects were wearing wool.

Al Batt
Freeborn County

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