Date: 4/18/24 11:58 am
From: Doug & Nina Harr <dnharr...>
Subject: [ia-bird] (not a sighting) Breeding Bird Survey Iowa volunteers needed !
Iowa currently has 12 vacant routes for conducting the annual USGS Breeding
Bird Surveys (view map attached here), and volunteers are needed to fill in
as many of these routes as possible. If you'd like to consider conducting
a route once annually *for at least three years*, please go to the BBS
website at * <>*.
Then, open the four different pages under "Get Involved!" and read all
details about selecting a route and what you must learn to do before being
approved by the USGS.

After you've reviewed those BBS details and still would like to volunteer
as an annual surveyor, please reply to this note with the name and route
number of what you'd like to do. In addition, I must have solid
information about your background and accuracy in bird identification.
That can be provided by someone who knows you well and can confirm your
accuracy in bird ID, or perhaps by a college professor or instructor who
taught you ornithology. Once I have sufficient information, I can then
submit your name, address, telephone number, and email address to USGS.
The agency will then directly contact you about the possibility of
acceptance and what you must do before being formally assigned.

Doug Harr
Ioiwa BBS Coordinator

Post by sending an email to <ia-bird...>
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