Date: 4/18/24 11:04 am
From: Bruni <bruni...>
Subject: Fwd: First fledgling of the year
I'm nor sure if this post went out without my name or not therefore the resend.

Yesterday the first Catbird showed up.  This morning I  heard and saw the first Housewren.  Coming back from the garden I found the Carolina wren family hanging out on my patio.  I got within two feet to one of them.  Such cute little guys.

No hummingbirds yet but the Downy woodpeckers have been enjoying the nectar.

Bruni Haydl
Charles Town, WV

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On Apr 15, 2024, 6:20 AM, at 6:20 AM, Bruni <bruni...> wrote:
>Coming home, a small bird flew out from behind a plant in the front
>flowerbed.  The flight seemed a bit strained.  I was able to grab my
>dog's leash before I saw several  Carolina wren fledgelings and their
>parents.  Too cute.
>I keep my two cats indoors but a fledgling hopping about on the lawn
>brings out the prey drive in a dog.  It requires being selective as to
>where and when he can be off leash.
>There is so much activity in the yard at this time of the year.  The
>Tree swallows have started to build nests in earnest.  The Gilbertson
>box has the beginnings of a Chickadee nest,  moss and so

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