Date: 4/16/24 12:15 pm
From: Judy Griffith <9waterfall9...>
Subject: Arrivals. Blooms, Behaviors
During the past few days we’ve noticed the arrival of several breeding birds at Ninestone:
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher
Common Yellowthroat
Kentucky Warbler
House Wren
Indigo Bunting
Orchard Oriole

Dwarf Larkspur - only white flowers where there are usually also violet flowers
Orange Puccoon
Spring Coral Root

Zebra Swallowtails checking out emerging Pawpaw leaves to lay their eggs
3 Big Brown Bats roosting in deck rafters
Carolina Wren babies all fledged but came back 2 days later to check out their big nesting gourd
American Toads singing in the amphibian pond
Western Rat Snake molting next to black water pipe
“Spider Ball" of newly hatched Orb Weaver spiderlings
Cecropia Moth still waiting to eclose from her cocoon

Ninestone, Carroll County


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